Leadership Learning Organization Serving Pre-K Through Higher Education
Mentoring and Coaching
VFEL faculty members provide a variety of mentoring and coaching services that support leadership development and school improvement through a highly individuated form of professional development. Services are provided on- or off-site, in person, or via telecommunications. The length of service varies, depending on the needs of the client.
Mentoring and coaching services are available for individual school leaders, who may obtain these services independently to support their efforts with data, conflict management, process development, etc.. Coaching or mentoring sessions may also support improvement in areas identified during NISL’s “Executive Development Program” or other professional development activity. As the client, the school leader develops and implements an individualized plan in partnership with his/her mentor/coach and all work remains with the client.
School divisions may obtain mentoring and coaching services for school leaders or improvement teams. VFEL works with the school divisions to determine length, format, and delivery of services. VFEL also works with the school division to construct a plan for implementation, documentation, and follow-through. In addition, VFEL provides training for school personnel who wish to be mentors and coaches within their own school divisions.
VFEL faculty members have received training in mentoring and coaching, including professional certification with the International Coach Federation.
Examples of Mentoring/Coaching activities
Assisting principal in conducting a 360-degree self-assessment
Developing goals with principal that align with the Indistar® leadership indicators
Supporting principal with teacher evaluation skills and effectiveness
Furthering principal’s understanding and analysis of effective lesson plans and evaluation of teacher's ability to transfer from standards to delivery
Supporting principal to fulfill district level leadership expectations
Guiding improvement teams in effective collaboration, data management, and implementation tools
Escorting principal during visits and with analysis of improvement efforts implemented by other schools