Leadership Learning Organization Serving Pre-K Through Higher Education
Breaking Ranks
The Breaking Ranks Framework, a well-defined professional development process that fosters a culture of excellence and continuous improvement within a school, is built upon four key questions:
Why does your school need to improve?
What needs to improve?
How do we improve our school?
Who? Do you and your team have what it takes to create a culture for school improvement?
The training uses data from the individual school to assess strengths and identify needs so that improvement efforts are targeted and result in success. Over the past decade, VFEL has used the Breaking Ranks Framework to train over 1,500 school leaders from all levels of education.
Based on research, 20% of successful implementation of school improvement plans relies on handling the “what” (such as differentiated instruction, individual learning plans, flexible scheduling, real world application) and 80% of successful implementation relies on the “How” (such as data collection and analysis, distributed leadership, professional development).
- Breaking Ranks: The Comprehensive Framework for School Improvement, p.10